Bittern Books’ popular tide table booklets for Norfolk, Suffolk and North Essex are now available from many outlets around the coast or direct for just £2.99 post free.
These handy pocket sized booklets give the times and heights of high and low water for every day of the year at key locations around our coasts. Essential for walkers on the North Norfolk coast where every year there are stories of people getting cut off by the tides on the salt marshes. And for water sports enthusiasts with boats at Blakeney, Morston, Orford, Woodbridge and many other locations where you can only launch at or near high water. Tidal information is so important and these booklets let you plan up to a year ahead, economically priced so you can keep one at home and one on your boat, or in the car.
Special offers available for wholesale and trade customers – please login or contact us for details.
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