We’re back from our holiday to find a slew of new books arriving – not to mention a considerable backlog of orders that are keeping me busy this week. As of today, most orders have been packed and should be delivered by Thursday.
The Days of the Norwich Trams: Transforming Streets, Transforming Lives
Frances and Michael Holmes have produced a number of excellent books primarily covering the social history of Norwich in the 19th and 20th centuries. Their previous works have focused on topics such as the old courts and yards, the shoe trade, pubs and the post war period of development. They have a unique and easily readable style, with lots of photographs and illustrations, and often draw on interviews with people who have a personal knowledge of the subject.
Their new book looks at the period between 1900 and 1935 when trams ran through Norwich, but this isn’t just a book about trams – it is much more about the effects the tram network had on the city and the lives of its residents. It examines in detail how the streets of Norwich were changed to accommodate the tram routes, and how the availability of cheap public transport allowed workers to move out of the city centre to the suburbs. As with all their books it is well produced and great value.
The Days of the Norwich Trams: Transforming Streets, Transforming Lives
by Frances and Michael Holmes
Paperback 144 pages; Norwich Heritage Projects
ISBN 9780956627285; RRP £12.50
This Was Formerly a Port Called Blakeney and Cley
Jonathan Hooton has drawn on the content of his 1996 book The Glaven Ports and his own academic research to produce this updated work. It has an accessible large (26cm x 19cm) landscape format with lots of photographs and illustrations. The book explores how the port developed and declined, and highlights the surviving relics that can still be seen today. A fascinating document for anyone interested in this area.
This Was Formerly a Port Called Blakeney and Cley: Important Dates in the Maritime History of the Glaven Ports
by Jonathan Hooton
Paperback 96 pages; Poppyland Publishing
ISBN 9781909796812; RRP £9.95
Wells in Pictures: Then and Now
Well known local historian Roger Arguile has mined several sources of local photographs, including crowd sourcing through a Facebook group, to compile this book. The images, mostly from the 1960s and 70s with some more recent for comparison, are organised into logical groups and accompanied by a commentary which provides the historical context. Wells in Pictures cleverly illustrates the changes that have taken place in the town over the last 50 years.
Wells in Pictures: Then and Now by Roger Arguile
Paperback 100 pages; Poppyland Publishing
ISBN 9781909796867; RRP £9.95
Manifestations of Madness: Women’s Voices from the Norfolk County Lunatic Asylum
Julie Jakeway became interested in the history of the Norfolk County Lunatic Asylum in Thorpe when studying for an MA in local history. She has now expanded her dissertation to produce this book which mostly looks at the period between 1850 and 1870. In addition to looking at the history of the establishment, Manifestations of Madness, as its subtitle suggests, explores the issues for women’s mental disorders at this time. In a series of case studies, Jakeway looks at the cases of individual women, their illness, and how they were treated.
Manifestations of Madness: Women’s Voices from the Norfolk County Lunatic Asylum
by Jane Jakeway
Paperback 88 pages; Poppyland Publishing
ISBN 9781909796850; RRP £9.95
Coming Soon
We’re expecting the following books during August, both available to pre-order on our website now:
A new novel set in the heart of the Norfolk Broads. A gentle romance as two young people meet, develop friendship and finally love, but the real protagonist is Horse Fen, the stretch of land between Ludham and Potter Heigham along the Thurne river of the Norfolk Broads. The author draws on his own observations and experiences to provide detailed descriptions of the locations, the natural environment and sailing on the broads and rivers.
An Affinity of Place by Jonathan Falkner
Paperback 343 pages; Saint Herbert Publishing
ISBN 9781527289444; RRP £8.99
The eagerly awaited seventh novel in the popular Broadland DI John Tanner crime series.
Storm Force by David Blake
Paperback; Black Oak
ISBN 9781916347960; RRP £7.99
Other Recent Arrivals
In case you missed last month’s email, don’t miss out on these two top sellers:
Naturally Connected by Barry Madden
Naturally Connected combines Barry’s wonderful nature photographs with his writings in a splendid new book showing much of Norfolk’s spectacular wildlife, and some from further afield. Barry is a lifelong resident of Norfolk where he developed a love of all things wild. In this book he documents his experiences of searching for, photographing and just admiring the beautiful wild creatures he has been lucky enough to dicover in his native county, around the UK, Europe and much further afield. Barry is a keen writer having over 300 published wildlife themed articles to his name. These have appeared in various magazines, blogs and websites, some feature in updated form in this book, although a lot of material has been specially written. He is keenly aware of the growing disconnect between modern day living and the natural world, and hopes this book will help people to become better connected with the splendour of nature.
Naturally Connected by Barry Madden
Paperback Wingsearch Publications; 320 pages
ISBN 9781916895904; RRP £18.50
Shuckland: Weird tales, ghosts folklore and legends from the Waveney Valley
Charles Christian takes us on a journey exploring the weird wonders of the Waveney valley. Behind the ruined castles, soaring church towers and attractive market towns lie ancient legends and folklore. Ghost of avenging kings, highwaymen, headless queens, ancient buried treasures, demonic entities, notorious villains, treacherous barons, murderous earls, ley-lines, paganism, yew-shrouded churchyards, old ivy-covered houses, witchcraft, strange fearsome beasts – including the notorious Black Shuck who gives his name to Shuckland.
Shuckland: Weird tales, ghosts folklore and legends from East Anglia’s Waveney Valley
Author Charles Christian
Paperback Heart of Albion; 198 pages
ISBN 9781905646357; RRP £12.95