Ordinary Women: Extraordinary Lives

True stories about Norfolk women in the first half of the twentieth century when women were just beginning to achieve equality.

Ordinary Women: Extraordinary Lives


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Ordinary Women, Extraordinary Lives tells true stories about Norfolk women in the first half of the twentieth century, at a time when women are just beginning to achieve equality in politics and in other spheres of life. The suffrage movement in Norfolk and women who risked prison is followed by chapters looking as women serving their country in the First World War but in very different ways – as nurses, as peacemakers. campaigning against the war itself. Chapters on the 1920s look at movement forward in the world of politics and then there are the accounts of a number of women in the Second World War, including some who found themselves involved in the Holocaust in a number of ways. The final chapter is about Eugenia Zagajewska, a Polish refugee who died in Norfolk in 1946.


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About The Author

Frank Meeres

Frank Meeres came to Norwich in 1974 as an archivist at the Norfolk Record Office. Born in Exeter, he is a graduate of King’s College, University of London, with the Diploma in Archive Administration from the University of Liverpool. He has organised and listed several series of important archive groups relating to the history of the city and had special responsibility for the records of the Dean and Chapter of Norwich. He is well known for the many exhibitions he has organised and for his talks and evening classes on the history of Norwich and the work of the Norfolk Record Office.

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