In times past, trees were worshipped and revered, groves of trees being planted as sacred living temples for ritual and celebration. Similarly today, trees are considered holy within many cultures. Trees are our mentors from which we can learn not only about nature but also how to enter a different world, a world of imagination and play. We have a natural affinity with trees, and we often have our favourites. Children and adults alike love to climb them. We are drawn to them; we like to touch them and consider them as old friends. Trees have an extraordinary capacity to regenerate despite adverse conditions; and, as such, have much to teach us. Through their passive, peaceful, yet strong and powerful presence, they gently remind us of their importance, radiating a sense of endurance, determination and stability.
Life presents us with challenges on a daily basis. Sometimes we sail through the storms; at other times we are thrown off course. Aelfwynn represents the many aspects of ourselves, from the courageous to the fearful; the resilient to the fragile. One moment she is confident, the next unsure. ‘Songs of the Trees’ is written as a fable for all ages. For some it is a meditation, using Aelfwynn’s journey as a vehicle through which to explore feelings and thoughts; to learn from the trees; to walk the labyrinth in their imagination; and to replenish and heal as Aelfwynn does. The journey can be revisited as often as required.
Written by Rosie Andersen; Illustrated by Paul Jackson; Designed, produced and published by Mascot Media.
ISBN 978-0-9954651-0-7
Hardback, 48 pages, 240mm x 210mm
Published: June 2016
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