In the Victorian and Edwardian period the rivers of north Essex and Suffolk had been commercial highways, alive with fishing smacks, barges and the rest, but at the beginning of the twenty-first century there is very little commercial traffic on the smaller rivers. The estuaries between Lowestoft and the River Colne have become recreation areas for yachts; only the Haven Ports inside Harwich Harbour and Lowestoft remained important commercial ports.
The East Coast rivers are different places to different people. The yacht racing fraternity does not see them in the same way as the bird conservationists or the commercial shipping world, and yet the physical coast is exactly the same. Any record of this coast has to reflect the widely differing activities that take place. This book is about the boats, places and people on this fascinating low-lying English coast.
Sunrise Coast is a collection of 124 photographs with detailed descriptions, mostly in black and white, but some more recent images in colour. Many are from the author’s own collection, but he has also drawn in photographs from many other sources to tell the stories of the Suffolk and north Essex coastline.
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