Doodlebugs and Rockets

Norfolk and Suffolk 1944-1945

This book sets out the background to the V-Weapon campaign against Britain and the significant part that Norfolk and Suffolk played in combating these attacks.

Doodlebugs and Rockets
Norfolk and Suffolk 1944-1945


Only 5 left in stock

Tags: Doodlebugs, v1, V2


Most people of a certain age will be familiar with the term ‘doodlebug’ or V1, but perhaps less familiar with the impact that it, along with the V2 rocket, had on Norfolk and Suffolk during the Second World War. Several rockets were specifically aimed at Norwich, whereas the V1s’ target was predominantly London, yet a great number found their way to East Anglia causing death and destruction.

This book sets out the background to the V-Weapon campaign against Britain and the significant part that Norfolk and Suffolk played in combating these attacks. The countless missions from the airfields, the role of Radar and the Royal Observer Corps, through to the artillery barrage from the coast are explored. A record is provided of all V1 and V2 incidents along with first-hand memories of those who experienced them.



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